2022 CfB FacultyXchange Agenda

Session 1
Keynote Presentation

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Time Topic Speaker Photo
9:00-9:15 Opening Remarks Mary Frecker, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Biodevices
headshot of a woman
9:15-9:45 Driving Innovation for Patient Solutions Sally Allain
Head, JLABS @ Washington, DC
Johnson & Johnson Innovation
headshot of a woman
9:45-10:00 Q&A/Discussion Mary Frecker (moderator)
10:00-10:15 Break

Session 2
Industry Engagement

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Time Topic Speaker Photo
10:15–10:45 Engaging with Industry Through Sponsored Research and Corporate Engagement
Introduction by Erika Swift
Melissa Erekson
Assistant Vice President for Corporate Engagement, Penn State
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Jade Honey
Director of Corporate Engagement, Penn State
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10:45–11:15 Industry Presentations
Introduction by Greg Lewis
Maureen Mulvihill
Actuated Medical Inc.
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Sally Liarno
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Andrew Davison
SIG Medical Corporation
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11:15–11:30 Q&A/Discussion
Instructions for breakouts
Greg Lewis and Erika Swift (moderators)
11:30–12:00 Industry-led Networking Breakout Sessions Maureen Mulvihill
Actuated Medical Inc.
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Sally Liarno
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Andrew Davison
SIG Medical Corporation
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12:00–12:30 Lunch Break

Session 3
Pecha Kucha-style Presentations, Part 1

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Time Topic Speaker and Campus Photo
A Biomarker Trial in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors  Seth Hardy, Hershey hardy-seth.png
Advancements and Opportunities in Physical-Plasma Biodevices at Penn State  Sean Knecht, University Park knecht-sean.png
The Magneto-Active Composites and Structures Lab (MACS) / Magnetoelastic  peristalsis pumping Paris von Lockette, University Park lockette-von-paris.png
Development of a Child Centrifugal Blood Pump  Choon-Sik Jhun, Hershey jhun-choon-sik.png
Soft electronics, circuits and sensors for organs, tissues and robotics  Cunjiang Yu, University Park yu-cunjiang.png
Advancing Equity through Biodevice-related ELSI Research  Jennifer Wagner, University Park wagner-jennifer.png
Ultrasound imaging of the brain: challenges and opportunities  Yun Jing, University Park jing-yun.png
What is all the fuss about Additive Manufacturing -AM? Exploring novel meta biomaterials via AM  Guha Manogharan, University Park manogharan-guha.png
Quic-Fuze: The off-the-shelf, Pancreatic Chemoablation Device  Kayla Hartz, Hershey hartz-kayla.png
Understanding Alzheimer’s disease and coronavirus via machine learning-enhanced optical probe  Shengxi Huang, University Park huang-shengxi.png
The Quick Connector Heidi Flory, Hershey flory-heidi.png
Granular hydrogel biodevices: Towards accelerating in situ tissue regeneration  Amir Sheikhi, University Park sheikhi-amir.png
Q&A Mary Frecker (moderator)
1:30-1:45 Break

Session 4
Pecha Kucha-style Presentations, Part 2

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Time Topic Speaker Photo
1:45-2:30 Translational Multifunctional Citrate Biomaterials for Regenerative Engineering  Jian Yang, University Park yang.png
Automated left ventricle segmentation tool for point-of-care ultrasounds  Melissa Brindise, University Park brindise.png
Smart Cannula for Control of Continuous Flow LVADs  Josh Cysyk, Hershey Cysyk.png
Predicting Thrombosis to Improve Technology  Keefe Manning, University Park Manning.png
Benchtop Knee Extension Simulation Augmented by Model-Based Post-Processing  Steve Piazza, University Park Piazza.png
Leveraging wearable sensors to mitigate the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among construction workers  Esther Obonyo, University Park Obonyo.png
Ergonomics of Vascular Surgeons Faisal Aziz, Hershey aziz.png
Q&A Mary Frecker, moderator

Session 5
Seed Grant Program

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Time Topic Speaker
2:30–3:15 Seed Grant Opportunities Mary Frecker and Sarah Bronson
Innovation Fellows Program Erika Swift
3:15–3:30 Wrap Up and Next Steps Mary Frecker

Keynote Speaker

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Sally Allain
Head, JLABS @ Washington, DC
Johnson & Johnson Innovation

register here


Established in 2020, the Center for Biodevices aims to bridge foundational science and clinical applications of biodevices, while enabling success of faculty, clinicians, and students across multiple disciplines.

Center for Biodevices

The Pennsylvania State University

Reber Building

University Park, PA 16802